Thursday 11 November 2010


I did my first actual shooting yesterday which was awesome.

It was at my mate Charlie's house where they have a duck pond. LL's cousin Mark leant me a shotgun and they gave me some cartridges to go crazy with. 

We got there at dusk and walked out to the pond through the bog. I nearly lost a wellie at one point but managed to wriggle it out without the foot coming out but it was close. Mark gave me a quick lesson on how the gun worked and then wisely got well out of the way.

As it got darker a few birds came over. We missed the first three as we were all too busy yacking but soon we were locked and loaded and ready for action.

I mistook the next bird that came along for a bat so did not get the gun up in time but was ready and waiting for the next ones and let off two shots in quick succession, nearly sinking into the bog in the process. The others also had a go at the same time and we got a couple of the buggers. I say we. I was just happy not to have shot any of my fellow humans and to have been part of the team. Maybe I got them, maybe I didnt.

When it was dark we headed back in. Not a moment too soon as far as my freezing feet were concerned. Some vintage port soon thawed the blood and got me back on track.

Now we leave them for a couple of weeks and then head back to do more of the same. 

Even evenings here are fun.

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