Thursday 25 November 2010

The Hunt Ball

On Saturday we were invited to the Killultagh Hunt ball with some friends.

It was held at the Europa Hotel in Belfast which has the highly sought after honour of being the most bombed hotel in the world. 

Suitably black tied and kevlar jacketed up we went along. Was good fun with lots to eat and drink, dancing and laughs.

The organisers had an auction and competitions galore. My favourite part was when someone was on the microphone thanking various people who had assisted with the night and with the hunt in general. When he said "I would like to thank the people who support the hunt - the hunt supporters" I nearly pissed myself.

The band started up soon after and LL and I went up to have a boogie - need to get a lot of practice in before June next year. A huge amount in fact. The band stopped playing the macarena long enough for the singer to announce that I had won a prize for being the first man on the dance floor - woohoo. Turns out my prize was a three pack of grundies, the nicest pair of which are these: 

{Author's note -  I do not recommend trying to take a picture of yourself wearing prize grundies. It is not fun or flattering, and nor unfortunately is it big or clever.}

We didn't last too long and got a cab back.

On Wednesday LL came home with the Farming Life newspaper and there we were:

I've never been in the paper before. I read another local paper the other day and it was full of schools and community groups winning awards and local people committing various misdemeanors, including a woman that was in possession of a stolen television and a man who was arrested for kicking the door of the pub he had been ejected from.

I was posting a parcel the other day and found myself reading another country life publication, this time about forestry and giant machines for cutting the shite out of everything and was drawn to this picture

I only wish I had been here on the 5th of June and had known about this party at Earnshaw's. I would have loved to have seen the Adam's Axemen, as well the other varied attractions, although I am not sure there would have been space for me amongst the huge crowds.

I would have also liked clarification on what to 'ding & ding only' means. I am finding some aspects of this country living confusing but am enjoying the learning. 

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