Wednesday 3 November 2010

Another awesome weekend

At the last minute on friday, we decided to go to the caravans in the sand dunes at Portnoo in Donegal on the west coast of Southern Ireland. LL's folks were going with a few of their friends and the LL's colleague in the wine biz was there with his family.

LL drove down on Friday through rain, wind and even fog at one point, but even though we also had a run in with the law, we still got there in record time.

We had a lovely meal and consumed lots of wine. As the Scrabble was about to come out and I was going to mentally go through my suspect two-letter words LL quickly decided we should visit our other friends in their caravan and would not take no for an answer. We staggered over, quoffed another couple of bottles of wine and chatted until the early hours. 

When it was time to go we said our goodbyes and off we went until we made our excuses and left. Foolishly I chose to walk in a straight line back to our caravan and as I had not packed my night-vision goggles this proved to be disasterous. Here is a picture of the bank I failed to see and rolled to the bottom of.

Still at least I was awake this time.

Got up on Saturday with a hell of a hangover and memory loss from the end of the night before. I blame concussion, LL says wine.

Spent two days going for walks, eating and drinking lovely food, getting fresh sea air and basically enjoying the last few days of sunshine.

Portnoo is awesome. Where else in the world can you have miles and miles of sandy beach and be able to count the number of people you see on your fingers.

Didnt get to play golf this time but you cant have everything. 

Unfortunately the caravan park is now closed down until March so no more of this til then. Bummer. Still there will be plenty more things to do between now and then as as soon as it opens again we will be back.

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