Friday 26 August 2011

Easily excitable Karl?

.....I was over in England last weekend for my sister's son Jacob's christening which was an absolute blast - great to see lots of friends and family over an action packed weekend.

As I was going straight from work on Friday I had to do one of the most uninspiring activities known to man - choosing between various options for airport parking.

At Belfast International airport you have a lot of choice. There is Cosmo, BCP, Killead Airlodge, Mccausland and Karl to name but a few.

In the end I went with Mccausland as I could book online and it is very close so you do not have to wait very long at all however on the way to the airport I drove past a sign for the Karl carpark that caught my eye. 


I was very happy that I had not chosen this option. There was something about it that I found a bit depressing for some reason. 

It was on the way back home on Sunday evening that I went past Karl again, from the other side this time, and I realised that actually Karl is the most exciting of all the airport carparks and the one I will be using from now on. 

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