Sunday 9 January 2011


Hi all

Hope that you all had a great Christmas and new year and are not struggling too much at being back at work. 

I had a great week back in England for Christmas. Got to see a lot of friends in London, some I had planned to and some that just were in the right place at the right time - such as this little Christmas Pudding.

I spent actual Christmas at my sister's house where I got to meet my new nephew Jacob

Also in attendance were my Ma and Pa, my brother and brother-in-law, and my other nephew Jack, for whom this was the first Christmas where the opening of presents was the most important thing. I remember those days well.

Missing and missed were LL and Jack's mum Lisette. We got to see some of the extended family on Boxing Day but would have liked to see some of the others as well. Next time.

I came back to NI on the 29th January and got to spend some time with LL's family, our friends and my dawg. 

The night I got back there was a Viking party in one of the teepees which was a blast. 

Luckily we got out of there before the hour of scrummaging and breaking stuff started.

We had three friends visit from London for New Year and took them to a party at a dairy farm in Ballycastle - fancy dress as countries. It started reasonably civilised and then went rapidly downhill when LL decided to stuff a party popper with chocolate cake and blast it first at her friend Emma, and then all over the wall during supper. 

Looking slightly guilty at all? 

Was a hell of a new years party and thanks be to the SMs for it.  

We got up on the 1st of January feeling somewhat rough (why is that always the case?) and went on a mission to the Giants Causeway - Northern Ireland's premier hexagonally-shaped-rock-formation-based tourist attraction. 

I couldnt believe they allow people to park on it.

I definitely should have stood on the other end of the line for that photo. 

I should also have done the Sarkozy/Tom Cruise thing and asked the photographer to leave my feet out of the picture - busted.

It was a cold and windy day and blew out the cobwebs nicely.

We also saw the Bushmills distillery but with the hangovers we all had, this was as close as I would allow us to get.

So far in 2011 I have been shooting a bit, starting with some friends and some clay pigeons. 

PULL!!! It was an encouraging start to my shooting career with me rarely missing a thing and I even managed a left and right - both barells into two clays launched at the same time.

I thought I might be a natural until I went to a proper shoot at my friend Charlie's house where during the day I shot at a lot but hit not a jot. At dusk we went to the duck pond and I think I got something there but because it is dark it is virtually impossible to know who got what and in some cases things got shot twice - just to be sure.

We hosted Come Curry With Me at our house on Friday night. Put on a banquet that meant we could have curry for days and got well and truly blasted with some friends - so much so that I forgot to take a picture the whole night. 

2011's exercise regime for me is going to be mostly based on walking and yesterday LL, Pinky and I went for a walk on the beach at Tyrella. 

Pinky got to meet her first sheep, which she seemed desperate to start herding about, and some horses too.

Was really weird to be walking in the sunshine along a deserted beach and be able to see, across the water snow covered mountains. The camera on my phone does not do it justice but you get the idea.

Hope you all (all 3 of you) have an awesome 2011. Is going to be an eventful one for me what with getting married, starting to build a house and various other things and I am looking forward to it immensely.

Hope to see you in it too.



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