Tuesday 5 October 2010

Weather in NI

Surprisingly the weather has been pretty good since we got here. Lots of blue skies and nice sunsets (and one sunrise witnessed). This was the view from our bedroom this evening.

We have been for a trip on the boat on Strangford Lough, hoping to catch some mackerel but none were biting. I am surprised more people dont move here for the weather.

LL had better reception on her phone out there so was busy sending texts instead of concentrating on the non-existent fish.

Of course it has rained once or twice since we got here. I was sitting out in the garden one afternoon reading my book  when I looked over my shoulder and saw the darkest most foreboding cloud I have ever seen. I quickly went back inside and within minutes we were engulfed by the most ferocious rain I have ever seen. The drains could not get rid of the water quick enough. This is more like what I signed up for.

Rain + Sun = Rainbows.

At the end of the rainbow I hope to find me lucky charms so I do.

1 comment:

  1. Double rainbow!!!

    Keep the stories coming dude!

