Monday 4 October 2010

The first week

It seems that I have been rubbish at putting this blog on here and am getting left behind. 

Below is a summary of our first week here and some stuff we did. I am not going to write this sort of thing every week so dont worry about that.

LL met her Godfather at the airport and our mate FF was on the plane we were on - it is either a very small world or Northern Ireland is actually quite a small place where everyone knows everyone. 

First thing on Tuesday we moved in to our new house, a nice little 3 bed with a garden on a modern housing development which we call an estate - different to London estates in that the kids play 40-40 after school instead of throwing loaded bin bags at you from the top floor. Our house has not been lived in for 5 years and the local kids seem to have been using the garden as a smoking/drinking/shagging venue for most of those - spent ages removing broken glass from the grass. We can see cows from our garden and bedroom - this was something I demanded before moving in.

We spent the day moving our stuff over in LL's dad's truck and trailer and we learned that LL sucks at reversing with a trailer and I am fecking awesome at it. LL's bro helped us get hold of a banger for £450 which I will be pimping up with some spinnys and a fish tank in the near future. For the time being I am content in the knowledge that rust is the new chrome.

Have had a few very important things to do - tax and fill up the car, do a mega Asda shop, get firewood, and most importantly get me some wellies - DONE!! I have been at the DIY, putting together stuff from Ikea, fixing the attic ladder that I broke and putting up clothes hooks on a lot of doors, only one of which I managed to drill all the way through - not a bad average.

On Thursday we went over to our mate FF's house and OMFG it was amazing. As well as a butterfly house with reptiles and insects and peacocks running about the place, his house is full of the coolest and most unusual stuff I have ever seen. He has a horse-drawn fire engine and ancient library, and this gem of a nazi helmet from ze War. Antiques Roadshow could do a whole series from his house and I look forward to snooping around more in the future.

On Saturday we got up at the crack of dawn to help LL's sister in law with setting up decorations for a wedding. This was not an easy thing as our next door neighbour's 18yo son had spent an hour playing fetch with his dog with a beer can at 2 in the morning so not the best nights sleep ever - I thought the kids were back and LL thought our firewood was being jacked. We were going to stay in so while she was having a doze I went to the local butcher (from Woking) for some ribeye steaks. On the way there I was doing the usual London thing of avoiding looking at the large skinhead man walking towards me. As I passed him I looked up and as soon as he caught my eye he was like "Howareyadoingohlovelydayforawalksoitisalrightyes" Brilliant.

Then agreed to go to the pub but our friends had to eat first. By the time they had finished it was 11 and I thought we had missed it but we texted the landlord to say we were on our way and six of us jumped into a cab and off we went. They stayed open until we left which is how all pubs should behave.  

Sunday was spent nursing hangovers and eating Sunday lunch. You cant ask for more than that. 

Week one done. Bring on the rest. 

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