Wednesday 20 October 2010

Home Grown

One of the things I was most looking forward to when moving over here was growing fresh fruit and vegetables, and in the long term plan on having animals that produce food as well.

LL bought me this awesome book as a welcome present - 

It has everything you need to know about growing things and keeping animals and running a fuel efficient house. I am looking forward to the day it will become my bible when we have a house and some space of our own.

For the time being we have been stealing home grown food from LL's parents who have a amazing vegetable patch and greenhouse which produce a fantastic array of fresh fruit and vegetables. 

Fresh, home grown food just tastes better. Fact. 

They do not always look better though. Fact. As this picture will prove.

This is a tomato that looks like Leslie Ash's lips after the swelling had gone down.

This one provided the inspiration for Leatherface's mask in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  

Ugly but tasty. A good way to be.

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