Friday 25 March 2011

Irish Radio....

.....we was on my way to where we were working this morning and we were listening to Cool FM in the lorry.

I had never heard the quiz before but this morning it was a peach.

The jist of it was that someone would call in with three clues to lead the public towards a famous person and whoever guessed who it was would win a prize.

So Callum comes on the line and he must be about 10 years old:-

DJ - so Callum what are your three clues
Callum - Number 1 - it is a male. Number 2 - He is in a boy band. Number 3 - he is really cool.
DJ - Okayyyy. This is going to be a toughie. Lets see what we get then.
1st caller - Robbie Williams
Callum - No
2nd caller - Mark Owen
Callum - No
3rd caller - (someone I had not heard of)
Callum - No
DJ - Hello, hello is there anyone there? no. OK next caller. Cool FM.
4th Caller - Aaaahhhh. FUCK YOU!!
Callum - No

Bloody hilarious and worked out well for Callum because as there was no winning caller, he got the prize, although I am pretty sure that a week's supply of Guinness is not an appropriate prize for a 10 year old child.

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