Tuesday 21 December 2010

Wintery Wonderland......

........we have had a shed load of snow over here - between 6 and 10 inches for most of the last two weeks.

The people on our estate really know how to do snowthings (with Pinky thrown in for some scale reference).

The countryside has been looking beautiful and the roads have been a welcome challenge.

Last weekend got to make the most of it starting with the Christmas shoot on Saturday. I didn't have my camera so don't have many pictures of any of it unfortunately.

I had been reliably informed that this was going to be quite a booze-up and I was not disappointed. I thought this lot would be a special drink to go with lunch but it turned out to be our elevenses, served with hot soup and bread rolls. 

Here's one I had to put out of it's misery - 

A lot of people also had hip flasks with a variety of different moonshines and by the time lunch came around I was well oiled and I think most people were as well.

Lunch went on for about four hours and was delicious, with plenty of grog flowing all over the place. 

Highlights, some of which I can actually remember myself, include breath-freshening peppermint booze (50% WOOF!!), unsuccessful attempts at shotgunning cans (Guinness for me - don't recommend trying that at home) and a massive snowball fight  that lasted for half an hour or so.

LL's cousin Lucy and her Jack Russell Tinker left with us and the five of us (including Pinky) went to the pub (the first one wouldn't let us in) for a totally unnecessary pint. Then back home where I passed out sharpish. Apparently Lucy was in the igloo at some point but I don't remember that at all. 

Sunday started with a bang. A repetitive BANG BANG BANG inside my brain. I was desperate for a drink of water but could not get out of bed so had to ration the small glass I had by the side of my bed over a few hours. We got up and had breakfast and LL informed me that we were going sledging - oh yes.

We went over to her brothers house where he had piste bashed a hill in his field the night before and armed with a variety of sledges ranging from an awesome home made wooden two-seater, to an unmade-up plastic box , we went crazy on the hill for a few hours.

I made sure all the kids gave me sufficient goes on their sledges but found my favourite was a plastic sign with the front cut into a point. Here is a video of me in action on it (first time I have put on a video so hopefully it works) - 

Here is LL racing, and whooping the arse of her nephew on the same beasts.

Pinky enjoyed herself too.

Knackered and aching afterwards but was brilliant fun.

Now I am meant to be flying back to England tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will allow.

HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! Hope to see you in 2011 if not before. 

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